a glimpse into the story…

Jess is a lifestyle and landscape photographer with a passion for filmmaking. She lived in many different places and houses growing up but split her life between Connecticut and Florida. She has been creating since a very young age but didn’t pick up a camera until she was a teenager. It felt natural in her hands. She loved it but it was more so a hobby and at times, only a tiny second stream of income.

While studying fine art photography at a small, traditional art school in Connecticut, Jess got a job as a florist in a grocery store. She fell in love with the art of it and after graduating, floral design was a more practical way to make steady money while still working on my passion projects. In between shifts at the grocery store, she would save my money to go on road trips out west to take photographs. It was during this time she also purchased her van and converted it for more camping trips. When Jess wanted to pursue floral design more seriously, she moved on to floral shops and eventually freelancing as a designer for high end weddings and special events. She truly enjoyed the work and she was proud of her accomplishments in this field but something always felt like it was missing. Jess was still helping build someone else’s dreams and she knew she wanted to build something of her own— she just wasn’t sure how.

It wasn’t until late 2020 and the abrupt end of a long term relationship that she decided to make some major changes in her life. She knew this was the Universe kicking her off the edge. It was time to take a leap into doing everything she always wanted to do while healing herself and facing her fears, discomfort and traumas. Her deep heartbreak sparked a spiritual awakening. In the midst of her awakening, she moved out of her apartment, selling most of her belongings and packing up the rest in a van. Jess said goodbye to her loved ones and set off on a solo adventure to rediscover herself through the art of photography. Jess felt reborn and inevitably the rebirth of her work followed.

Since July 2021, Jess have been pursuing photography and traveling full-time. Over the years, she has carefully cultivated a unique photographic style to tell a powerful story. Her work is a reflection of her spirit, a celebration of the natural world and an invitation to see the world in a new way. It’s also a reminder of all the possibilities that can happen. May you find light even in the darkest of times.